Let them sniff!

by | Jan 28, 2023 | Kennel Diaries, Updates

To a normal person, Sniffing may seem like a very mundane activity. To a dog, however, sniffing is their whole world. Scentwork is how dogs learn everything they need to know about the world. It aids them to assess all situations, learn about new people and dogs, switches off the stress and anxious part their brain allowing them to unwind and even improves their mental health, when being allowed to sniff along walks.

In fact, a recent reasearch study has shown that sniffing makes a dog more optimistic in life.  The 2019 study by Dr. Charlotte Duranton and Dr. Alexandra Horowitz concluded that `nosework activities may be a useful tool in improving the welfare of pet dogs.’

The dogs took part in a cognitive bias training test (a common test in psychology to assess optimism vs pessimism as a measure of welfare) before and after they practised nosework or heelwork. It was found that before the activity started, the two groups of dogs showed no difference in the cognitive bias test. However, the second test showed significant difference with the nosework group faring much better than the heelwork group.

When a dog gets ample opportunities to perform their natural behaviours, their welfare improves. The takeaway message is to do more nosework activities with your dog that give them more choices. In fact, just 10 minutes of sniffy work for your dog is more mentally draining than 90 mins physical exercise.

How to provide more nosework for your dog;

Scatter treats and ask your dog to “search” or “find it”

Encourage your dog to sniff various objects

Try your paw at new canine workshop or activities like mantrailing or scent exercises.

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