Thank you for your support to PAWS!

23rd March 2021

As a non- profit organisation, we rely heavily on the generosity of our supporters, fundraisers and a small annual government grant to keep us going in our work to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted and abused dogs in Ireland.  It has truly been a struggle during the past year with the effects of Covid 19 and lockdown. Virtual fundraisers have been amazing and we are so grateful to everyone who took part in the Redmills St. Pawtrick’s Day Virtual Dog show. It was a huge success. A big virtual hug and heartfelt thank you to Ailís, Will, Connolly’s Redmills and everyone who took part and donated to PAWS.

Like most non-profits in the charity sector, Covid 19 had hit us quite bad as we have had to temporarily close our charity shop and missed out on a lot of fundraising opportunities over the lockdowns. However, we had an increased number of special case dogs needing help and veterinary care. As well as our continued food, maintenance and vet bills.  The past few rescue cases saw dogs needing urgent veterinary help and care for severe mange, parasites, eye removal and other surgeries.  We cannot turn away the dogs who desperately need our help. We know the past year has been a difficult one for us all but we thank you for celebrating St Patrick’s Day safely with us to have a bit of fun and support the PAWS’ dogs.

If you missed out on the virtual dog show, would like to make a once off donation now or perhaps would like to continue your support in signing up for our PAWS monthly 3 euro appeal, we can include details below. Maybe you’re continuing to work from home and are saving money on the usual coffee on the commute, eating lunch at home or maybe you saved some money over lockdown and would like to donate a small bit or sponsor a kennel. If you cannot help financially now, maybe you could share this post on social media or think of us for your next Facebook Birthday virtual fundraiser as your chosen charity. We cannot overstate how much we appreciate the continued help and donations from our supporters. It is because of you we are able to keep going!

Details on how to donate :

We  have a Paypal option below where you can donate a monthly amount directly from your Paypal account. Alternatively use our Direct Debit Form and send us on your details. Monthly donations to PAWS are our lifesaver.

What would €3 a month buy? Not a lot you may say. 

But if 200 people give €3 a month, that is €600 a month which totals is €7,200 a year.
If 600 people give €3 a month, That is €21,600 a year.
That is exactly what PAWS spent on Animal feed in 2019.

Option 1 : €3.00 – monthly Option 2 : €5.00 – monthly Option 3 : €10.00 – monthly Option 4 : €25.00 – monthly Option 5 : €50.00 – monthly Option 6 : €100.00 – monthly
paws 3 euro a month appeal