Nominate PAWS for Movement for Good

by | May 11, 2020 | Kennel Diaries

As you know, the affects of Covid 19 have been a struggle for everyone including all kinds of sectors including PAWS Animal Rescue.  As we had mentioned previously, the closure of our Clonmel charity shop and the cancellation of all our fundraisers and events for the foreseeable future is having a drastic effect on our vital funds that enable us to continue caring for the dogs in PAWS.  We appreciate any and all help and support through this difficult time.  Last week, Movement for Good ( announced that they are putting charitable giving forward in this difficult time and asking people to nominate their chosen charity in their community for a €1,000 donation.  Movement for Good is a financial services group that gives its profits to various charities.  We would like to ask our supporters in the community to please nominate PAWS to help us continue our work in caring for the dogs in our care.  €1,000 could help cover a dog’s vet care, pay our costs or be put towards the food bill for a few months and we would be so grateful for the help at this time.

In order to nominate PAWS, go to and nominate PAWS Animal Rescue by inserting our charity number, 20035754 into the search box and it will find us.  Please encourage others to do the same, thank you!

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